Post Operative Rehab

Post Operative Rehab

Post Operative Rehab is an important part of recovery after most orthopaedics surgeries to ensure proper healing, minimize scar tissue, re-establish joint range of motion, improve muscular strength, and retrain neuromuscular control. At Form Physiotherapy, we will provide you with a personalized treatment plan, in concert with your surgeon’s post-op protocol, to maximize your recovery.

If you are specifically looking for a Post-Operative Physiotherapy Session, you will begin with a 45 Minute Initial Assessment, which will consist of a thorough assessment to test your baseline strength and range of motion, followed by a personalized treatment plan based on the healing timeline for your specific surgery. The duration of your Follow Up Sessions will be recommended based on the complexity of your surgery.

If you are attending a physiotherapy session after a Total Knee Replacement (TKR) or Total Hip Replacement (THR) covered by a Vancouver Coastal Health Voucher, please inform our front desk staff or your physiotherapist prior to your appointment.

A Vancouver Coastal Health Voucher will typically cover:

  • 12 Private Physiotherapy Sessions for TKR

  • 3 Private Physiotherapy Sessions for THR


  • Initial 45 Minute Assessment: $161

  • 30 Minute Follow Up Session: $108

  • 45 Minute Follow Up Session: $161

  • 60 Minute Follow Up Session: $215

  • Please note that Form Physiotherapy does not. currently bill directly to your extended healthcare provider. We will print you a detailed receipt after your appointment to submit to your extended health plan.