Running Assessment

Running Assessment

A Running Assessment is the examination of your running or walking pattern, also referred to as a gait analysis. During a Running Assessment, a physiotherapist will look for any biomechanical faults that may be contributing to your injury or area of concern. If you are training for a marathon or just picking up running, a Running Assessment can help reduce your risk of injury and accomplish your running goals. Video analysis is done using slow-motion capture. This video can be uploaded to your patient file.

At Form Physiotherapy, one of our trained physiotherapists will have you complete a short run or walk on a treadmill to assess your walking or running pattern, while also looking at your posture, range of motion, strength, and neuromuscular control. Upon the completion of the assessment you can expect guidance around terrain, shoes, training volume (if necessary), an evidence guided treatment plan, and home exercises to progress treatment. 


  • 60 Minute Session: $215

  • Please note that Form Physiotherapy does not. currently bill directly to your extended healthcare provider. We will print you a detailed receipt after your appointment to submit to your extended health plan.